$I:[0,1] \to X$ being continuous and $I(0) = I(1)$ is usually how one defines a loop in a topological space $X$, but what if your space $X$ isn't typical. For instance what if $X$ is subspace of a free monoid? I thought about it and the closest I came to was recognizing that there are loops in regular language subsets of $X$, for instance if $X = \{a,b\}^*$ (Kleene star), then the regular subset $aab(aab)^*bba$ would have loop-looking paths in its DFA. But how is this related to "loops in the space." I don't know. The point of looking for loops is so I can then do the whole "fundamental group" development for free monoids. Any ideas come to your beautiful minds? Thanks.
2025-03-07 03:32:11.1741318331
How do you generalize "loops" from usual topology $I:[0,1] \to X$
84 Views Asked by Daniel Donnelly https://math.techqa.club/user/daniel-donnelly/detail At
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I have no idea what topology you want to place on free monoids, but...
One keyword to look up is directed topological space. Another one is the pair "stratified space" and "exit path $\infty$-category."