How to integrate a part of a sphere limited by a rectangle?

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I have a function which depends on the solid angle $\frac{df}{d \Omega} = \frac{df}{d\phi d\theta} $. I want to integrate it over a part of the sphere limited by a rectangle. How should I set the limits of the integral given the position and size of the rectangle?

Lets say that the center of mass of the rectangle is at $(r = \text{dist}, \phi = 0, \theta = 90^ \circ)$ and it is $a$ by $b$ large.

My rectangle is perpendicular to the $XY$ plane, but isn't perpendicular to the $XZ$ not the $YZ$ plane.

Is the Cartesian system with a center in my rectangle a better system for the integral?

Edit: Here is a sketch of my countour. If you know any program which I should use to make a better drawing, I'll be happy to redo it. The corners of the rectangle touch the sphere, the rest of the rectangle is inside. I want to integrate over the surface confined by the graphical projection of the rectangle on the sphere. enter image description here


There are 1 best solutions below


Not Cartesian, the spherical coordinates are the natural and best choice.

It makes no sense to refer to large flat rectangles on a sphere.

If the width and breadth are in terms of spherical coordinate symbols we can refer to the limits as

$$ (\phi_1,\theta_1 ),(\phi_2,\theta_2) $$

and proceed to evaluate it. There is no need further to transform or render it into Cartesian coordinates.


The limits are independent constants, whether in rectangular system or a spherical system.

However if you are referring to a great circle for instance which is not along parameter lines, $ \phi = f(\theta)$ or $ F(\phi,\theta)=0 $ should be known a priori.

Even in the plane if you wanted to evaluate the triangle area between lines $ x=-y,x=0,y=0,$ the contour relation should be known. It is no different here.