How to make sense of operators' inverse and the derivative of operators themselves?

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I'm a physics graduate student, it's when my professor for mathematical physics mentioned KdV equations that I encountered the following problem.

This is what our professor wrote: $\mathbb{L}:=-d^2+q(t,x)$, $\mathbb{P}:=d^3-\frac{3}{4}q(t,x)$. And $$\frac{d \mathbb{L}(t)}{d t}=[\mathbb{P},\mathbb{L}],$$ with the evolution operator $U(t)$ defined such that $\mathbb{L}(t)=U(t)\mathbb{L}_0U(t)^{-1}$. If one tries to differentiate the above equation, they would normally arrive at terms like $\partial_t U(t)$.

And here is where I'm confused. How do I understand the inverse of an operator containing the differential operation, and what's worse, how to make sense of the evolution and time derivative of an operator containing derivative?

P.S.: I think those are typical things a physics student does not understand (because I have tried to discuss with my mates, and nobody can really give a good answer). So anybody can try to modify the title or even description to make it general enough.


There are 1 best solutions below


It is evident that you are working in the context of the Inverse Scattering Transform, as evidenced by quoting Lax's equation $\frac{d \mathbb{L}(t)}{d t}=[\mathbb{P},\mathbb{L}].$

The non-intuitive fact about $\mathbb{L}_t$ is that we only take the time derivative where $t$ explicitly appears in $\mathbb{L}$. The reason is that we would like to have $$(\mathbb{L}y)_t=\mathbb{L}_ty+\mathbb{L}y_t. $$ On the LHS, we have $$\frac{\partial}{\partial t}((-D^2+q)y)=-\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\,D^2y+q_ty+qy_t=-D^2y_t+q_ty+qy_t=\mathbb{L}y_t+q_ty.$$ If we compare this calculation with the one above, we see that $\mathbb{L}_t=q_t,$ by definition. This is tantamount to setting the $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\,D^2$ term in $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\,\mathbb{L}$ equal to zero.