I've been trying to study concepts from the field of inverse-kinematics, but have run into a mathematical roadblock.
To solve for an angle given a number is quite simple in itself
$$ \sin(\theta) = x $$ $$ \arcsin(x) = \theta $$ The problem I am having is for "additive function equations" like sin or log that require their inverse to solve for the inner variable:
\begin{cases} \frac X{1.5}=\cos(\theta_1)+\cos(\theta_1+\theta_2) \\ \frac Y{1.5}=\sin(\theta_1)+\sin(\theta_1+\theta_2)\end{cases} Where I would want to solve the equation for arbitrary $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$.
Because of my programming experience, my "brute-force" solution would be to create a table of all possible combinations of thetas and their respective $x$ and $y$ values given that $\theta$ can range from $0$ to $2\pi$. But I really want to understand the process of solving for the arbitrary unknown variables and it's application to solving for the equation should it instead be something like $\log$ or some other type of function. Additionally, I would have to take more "samples" of $\theta$ in order to get more accurate $x$ and $y$ coordinates.
I've tried looking at this similar question and this question, both of which did not actually supply the method for solving the simultaneous equation and declaring them mathematically impossible.
HINT...you could start by writing your equations as $$2\cos\frac{2\theta_1+\theta_2}{2}\cos\frac{2\theta_1-\theta_2}{2}=\frac{X}{1.5}$$ And $$2\sin\frac{2\theta_1+\theta_2}{2}\cos\frac{2\theta_1-\theta_2}{2}=\frac{Y}{1.5}$$ Now divide these equations and obtain$$2\theta_1+\theta_2=2\arctan\frac YX+n\pi$$
You can then substitute for $\theta_2$ into one of the original equations, expand the compound angle term and then use a compound angle transformation to obtain a solvable equation for $\theta_1$