If all men were good, there would be no wars

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If all men were good, there would be no wars.

Some men are not good. Therefore, there will be wars.

I am confused on what sign to use on the some part.


There are 1 best solutions below


Here, you can use the existential quantifier.

Basically, the symbol $\exists$ is the same as saying "there exists," so if you say: $$(\exists man)(\sim\text{good}(man))$$ You're basically saying, "there exists a man such that the man is not good." This is the same as saying "Some man is not good." Thus, using quantifiers, we use the existential quantifier $\exists$ to signify the words "there exists" or "some," which mean the same thing.

Also, as @lulu pointed out, your argument is not valid, but you can still write out the argument using quantifiers and logical symbols.