I'm trying to solve exercise $19$ in pages $95$ and $96$ in O'Neill's Semi-Riemannian Geometry book. There are four items and I'm having trouble with the last one.
Let $(M,\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle)$ be a Lorentz manifold and $\alpha$ be a regular curve such that $\alpha''(s) = f(s)\alpha'(s)$.
a) If $\beta = \alpha\circ h$, $\beta$ is pre-geodesic if and only if $h''+ (f\circ h) (h')^2 = 0$.
Easy, just compute $\beta''(s)=( h''(s) + f( h(s)) (h'(s))^2)\alpha'(h(s))$ and use that $\alpha$ is regular.
b) If $\beta$ has unit speed and $\langle \alpha',\alpha'\rangle $ is never zero, then $\beta$ is geodesic.
If $\beta$ has unit speed, then $\langle \beta''(s), \beta'(s)\rangle = 0$ for all $s$, after differentiating once, but this evaluates to $h'(s) ( h''(s) + f( h(s)) (h'(s))^2) \langle \alpha'(s),\alpha'(s)\rangle = 0$.
c) $\langle \alpha',\alpha'\rangle$ is always zero or never zero.
From $\langle \alpha'(s),\alpha'(s)\rangle' = 2f(s)\langle \alpha'(s),\alpha'(s)\rangle$, we have $\langle \alpha'(s),\alpha'(s)\rangle = Ce^{2\int f(s)\,{\rm d}s}$. If that is zero in some point it is always zero by uniqueness of solutions of IVP's, and otherwise it is never zero because the exponential is never zero.
d) If $\langle \alpha',\alpha'\rangle$ is always zero, then $\alpha$ is pre-geodesic.
I'm stuck. The only thing I managed to get is that $\langle \alpha''(s),\alpha''(s)\rangle = 0$. If we could prove that $\alpha''(s)$ is not lightlike, this would imply that $\alpha''(s) = 0 $. Help?
What you have to show in (d) is that if $\langle\alpha',\alpha'\rangle=0$ everywhere, then $\alpha$ is a geodesic up to reparametrization, which is the same as $\alpha''(s)=f(s)\alpha'(s)$ everywhere. This is easy if you have already shown that $\langle\alpha'',\alpha''\rangle=0$ everywhere, for we also have $\langle\alpha',\alpha''\rangle=0$ everywhere. This means that for all $s$ in the domain of $\alpha$ we have that $\alpha''(s)$ is null and orthogonal to $\alpha'(s)$, which is also null. This happens if and only if $\alpha''(s)=f(s)\alpha'(s)$.