Quick question (hopefully): What is the correct definition of a tensor product of two graded $R_*$-modules and/or graded $R_*$-algebras $M_*$ and $N_*$ over the graded ring $R_*$?
$M_* \otimes_{R_*} N_* = ?$
If R is not graded I know how to do this, but when $R_*$ is graded the usual construction doesn't work ($N_i$ isn't a $R_*$ module).
The motivation is that I want to understand what happens when the quasicoherent sheaf associated to a graded module is pulled back along $\pi: $ Proj($R_*$) $\to$ Proj($S_*$), provided this map is defined by some map of graded rings $S_* \to R_*$. I am guessing that a correct algebraic definition for this construction will show that $\pi^{*}(\widetilde{M_*}) = \widetilde{M_* \otimes_{S_*} R_*}$.
Usually the tensor product of two graded $R_\bullet$-modules $M_\bullet, N_\bullet$ is defined as having $n$-th component $$\left(M_{\bullet}\otimes_{R_\bullet} N_\bullet\right)_n\ :=\ \left(\bigoplus\limits_{p+q=n} M_p\otimes_{\mathbb Z} N_q\right)\left/\left(m r\otimes n - m\otimes r n\ |\ a+b+c=n, m\in M_a, r\in R_b, n\in N_c\right)\right..$$ In particular, this is a quotient of $\bigoplus\limits_{p+q=n} M_p\otimes_{R_0} N_q$, but usually much smaller.
For example, take $R_\bullet=M_\bullet=N_\bullet:={\mathbb k}[x]$ for some commutative ring $\mathbb k$, with $\text{deg}(x)=1$. Then $$\bigoplus\limits_{p+q=n} M_p\otimes_{R_0} N_q={\mathbb k}[x,y]_n,\quad\text{ while }\quad(M_\bullet\otimes_{R_\bullet} N_\bullet)_n=R_n={\mathbb k}[x]_n.$$