$$t^3\frac{dy}{dt} + 3t^2y = \cos t$$
$$y(\pi) = 0$$
If I follow the general method from the book I get:
$$(3y\cos t - 3y)dy = \frac{1}{t}dt$$
How do I continue?
Appreciate all help!
$$t^3\frac{dy}{dt} + 3t^2y = \cos t$$
$$y(\pi) = 0$$
If I follow the general method from the book I get:
$$(3y\cos t - 3y)dy = \frac{1}{t}dt$$
How do I continue?
Appreciate all help!
Hint: integrate on both sides, between $0$ and $y'$ on the LHS, and between $\pi$ and $t'$ on the RHS.
You can prefer first simplifying using John's answer.
I realize this post was made 2 years ago, but since no answer was accepted, I figured I'd make a more full explanation, in case anyone lands here via Google search.
The method you used from the book is called Separation of Variables. This method works only on certain types of problems. When you put $dy$ on one side and $dt$ on the other, you want to see something like this: $$\text{[expression involving only }y]dy = \text{[expression involving only }t]dt$$ However, you got something different; in fact, you cannot use Separation of Variables on this ODE as-is. Instead, you should use the method of Integrating Factors. Here's the run-down of this method:
Note of caution: in steps 2 and 8, we divided by $t^3$. This can cause problems if we are asked to consider $t = 0$ later on, since by dividing by $t^3$, we are implicitly assuming $t \neq 0$. This can especially cause problems if we ever have to divide by some expression involving $y$, as this can get rid of some possible solutions.
Your ODE simplifies to: $$ \frac{d}{dt}\left(t^3y\right) = \cos t$$
You can integrate both sides to solve this and then use the initial condition.