In advanced engineering mathematics 7th edition book, I stuck in a question, if the saying is right, I tried so hard and got so far :D. This is a linear second order differential equation with constant coefficient case problem. So the questios is to solve the ODE $$y''-y'+4y = 0$$ with the initial conditions $y(-2) = 1$ and $y'(-2) = 3$.
I got to here (which is I am not truly sure if it is correct): $$ e=c_1 \cos(\sqrt{15}) +c_2 \sin(\sqrt{15})\\ \frac{6e}{\cos(\sqrt{15}) +\sin(\sqrt{15})} = c_1 (1+\sqrt{15})+c_2 (1-\sqrt{15}) $$ where $c_1, c_2$ are constants for this equation.
how can I abbrevate this equation and find $c_1, c_2$? Thanks.
After reading TrialandError's post, I discovered that I used the wrong general expression. In TrialandError's post, the roots are not correct. The roots are
$r_\pm = \frac{1 \pm \sqrt{15}}{2}$.
The general expression is
$y(t) = A\exp\Big(\frac{1-i\sqrt{15}}{2}t\Big) + B\exp\Big(\frac{1+i\sqrt{15}}{2}t\Big)$.
Set $\sqrt{15}=r$.
$y(-2) = A\exp(-(1-ir)) + B\exp(-(1+ir))$.
$y'(t) = A\Big(\frac{1-ir}{2}\Big)\exp\Big(\frac{1-ir}{2}t\Big) + B \Big(\frac{1+ir}{2}\Big)\exp\Big(\frac{1-ir}{2}t\Big).$
$y'(-2) = A\Big(\frac{1-ir}{2}\Big)\exp(-(1-ir)) + B\Big(\frac{1+ir}{2}\Big)\exp(-(1+ir))$
We have the system of equation:
$A\exp(-(1-ir)) + B\exp(-(1+ir)) = 1$
$A \Big(\frac{1-ir}{2}\Big)\exp(-(1-ir))- B \Big(\frac{1+ir}{2}\Big)\exp(-(1+ir)) = 3$
$A\exp(-(1-ir)) + B\exp(-(1+ir)) = 1$
$0 + B\Big(\Big(\frac{1-ir}{2}\Big)\exp(-(1+ir)) - \Big(\frac{1+ir}{2}\Big)\exp(-(1+ir))\Big) = \Big(\frac{1-ir}{2}\Big) - 3$
I understand if you tableflip. I don't know how this can further be simplified. Of course, you can try to verify my calculations for $A$ and $B$ because I haven't done this yet.