Let $L$ be an oriented link in the 3-sphere $\mathbb S^3$, consisting of two knot components, $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$. I wonder now if the following is true:
If the linking number $N(L)$ of $L$ is not $0$, then $S^3 \setminus L$ is an irreducible 3 manifold.
This is equivalent to showing:
If there is a smoothly embedded 2-sphere $\Sigma \subset \mathbb S^3$, with $\Sigma \cap L = \emptyset$, such that $\gamma_1$ is contained in a different component of $\mathbb S^3 \setminus \Sigma$ than $\gamma_2$, then $N(L) = 0$.
I had the following idea: In the closed 3-ball $B_1$, whose interior is the component of $\mathbb S^3 \setminus \Sigma$ containing $\gamma_1$, perform an orientation-preserving self-homeomorphism that is the identity on $\Sigma$. This can be naturally extended to a self-homeomorphism on all of $\mathbb S^3$ by the identitiy on $\mathbb S^3 \setminus B_1$. Call the resulting map $h$ and let $L'$ be $h(L)$. I want to find $h$ such that there exists a regular projection of $h(L)$ such that $h(\gamma_1)$ and $h(\gamma_2)$ will have disjoint images under that projection. So far this hasn't worked out for me. Can anyone give me a hint ? Thanks in advance!
It might be easier to show that having a sphere in the complement that separates the two link components allows you to construct disjoint Seifert surfaces. Start with a Seifert surface for one component. It will hit the sphere in a union of circles which can be surgered along inner most disks to make the Seifert surface disjoint from the sphere. Now do the same procedure for the other link component. Once you have disjoint Seifert surfaces, the linking number is trivial, which can be seen by using the fact that the linking number is the algebraic intersection number of the seifert surface of one component with the other component.