Is a bounde entire function of exponential type constant on a any compact?

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Let $\phi$ be an entire function of exponential type. That is:

$$\exists M, c>0,\quad \forall z\in \mathbb{C}\quad |\phi(z)|\leq M e^{c|z|}. $$

On any compact set $|z|=R$, we have:

$$|\phi(z)|\leq M e^{cR} $$ Hence, $\phi$ is a bounded entire function on any compact set. My question is the following:

Can we apply the theorem of Liouville to say that $\phi$ is contant on any compact? or the Liouville Theorem is only applied on the whole complex plane and so we cannot deduce anything from the previous statement?

Many thank's.


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Liouville's Theorem is applicable only to bounded analytic functions on the entire complex plane. Every entire function is bounded on compact sets. For example $f(z)=z$ is also bounded on compact sets but it is not constant on compact sets.