I'm probably dumb, but I can't answer to the question in the title, that I state here again: let $A$ be a zero-dimensional algebra over a field $K$ ( - here I mean that the algebra has Krull dimension $=0$). Is it true that $\dim_{K} A < \infty$?
If the algebra is affine the answer is yes (cf. Theorem 5.11 of Kemper's A Course in Commutative Algebra). Can you give me an hint?
Thanks in advance!
Take the algebra $R=k[x_i]/(x_i^i)$. Then any prime ideal contains $0=x_i^i$, and so contains $x_i$, thus $(x_i)$ is is the unique prime ideal and the ring is zero dimensional, yet $x_i$ is a countable linearly independent set.