I know that every non-trivial metric space with more than one point which is connected is uncountable.
However, if we don't demand that the space be a metric space, we can find examples of such odd sets as countable, Hausdorff, and connected spaces.
My question: given a path connected space with more than one point, not necessarily a metric space, can we say anything about the cardinality?
The existence of a countable, connected, and Hausdorff space shows that this is not true if we weaken the statement to just "connected".
What I have tried so far:
According to Wikipedia, if the space is Hausdorff, then path-connectedness implies even arc-connectedness, i.e. we have not only a continuous map from the unit interval to the path, but a homeomorphism, and thus the existence of a bijection between a subset of the space and the unit interval, which implies that the space has at least the cardinality of the continuum.
(Additionally, being arc-connected means that the space must have a one-dimensional topological manifold as a subset, correct? Because of the aforementioned homeomorphism?)
It is unclear to me, however, which suggests that I do not understand the definitions correctly, what happens when the space is not necessarily Hausdorff. If we were talking about a constant path, then the function from the unit interval would necessarily be surjective.
But for any non-constant path, does the function from the unit interval have to be either injective or surjective in order to still be continuous? Does it even have to be bijective, but just not necessarily have a continuous inverse?
Sorry for so many questions; this question kind of developed while I was writing it. If you only answer the first question, I would still be most grateful.
Yes, a path-connected space $X$ consisting of more than 1 point has to be uncountable provided it is $T_1$ (you do not need Hausdorff). Otherwise the interval $[0,1]$ can be represented as the disjoint union of (more than one) countably many nonempty closed subsets, which is impossible, see this post.