Is $\prod^t_i S_{N_i} \wr D_{m_i}$ a normal subgroup of $S_{\sum^t_i N_i m_i}$?

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How can I determine whether $\prod^t_i S_{N_i} \wr D_{m_i}$ a normal subgroup of $S_{\sum^t_i N_i m_i}$?

Here, $i, N_i, m_i$ are positive integers, $S_{N_i}$ is the symmetric group over $N_i$ symbols, $D_{m_i}$ is the dihedral group of order $2 m_i$.

My effort:

I understand that there are more than one ways to determine this without checking all group elements.

Construct a homomorphism having it as kernel

Here we have to construct a homomorphism $\varphi: S_{\sum^t_i N_i m_i} \to K$ such that the kernel of the homomorphism is precisely $\prod^t_i S_{N_i} \wr D_{m_i}$. How can I do that?

Compute its commutator with the whole group

How can I check if $[S_{\sum^t_i N_i m_i}, \prod^t_i S_{N_i} \wr D_{m_i}]$ is contained in $\prod^t_i S_{N_i} \wr D_{m_i}$ ?