Is this Cayley Diagram contradictory?

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I was asked to construct a Cayley table for this Cayley diagram and it occurred to me that it will be impossible.

My reasoning is that at first glance this appears to be the group $D_4$. It has to be, since it has only two generators. But now, the group $D_4$ has 5 self inverses. This will be impossible to achieve with the Cayley diagram above since we have $$ea=I$$ and $$cg=I$$ In the group $D_4$ there is only one unequal pair that are inverses of each other, here there are two. So you can't generate 5 self inverses. Perhaps this is easier to see if you construct the identity skeleton for $D_4$ and this graph.

So I was wondering where have I gone wrong? Is this graph in fact erroneous in that it doesn't represent an actual group?



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The Cayley diagram is indeed not contradictory. It represents the Quaternion group (order 8) with the following table:

enter image description here

For more information you can see a neater table here:|4|1|5|2|6|3|7