Suppose we have an equation with an infinite number of $x$'s as an exponent:
$$x^{x^{x^{x^x...}}} = 2$$
$$x^{(x^{x^{x^x...}})} = 2$$ because there are infinity $x$'s in the parentheses, which we've said equals 2:
$$x^2 = 2$$ $$x = \sqrt{2}$$
However, suppose you take a new equation:
$$y^{y^{y^{y^y...}}} = 4$$
$$y^4 = 4$$ $$y=\sqrt{2}$$ Which implies:
$$2 = x^{x^{x^{x^x...}}}= y^{y^{y^{y^y...}}}= 4$$
Which is obviously wrong.
What went wrong, and where did this mathematical fallacy come from? I was wondering if this could somehow be related to convergence in tetration, but I'm not sure how. Any ideas?
Observe that if the tower $x^{x^{x^{x^\ldots}}}$ has a value $u$, we have, as you note
$$ x^u = u $$
Taking the log of both sides and dividing by $u$, we have
$$ \ln x = \frac{\ln u}{u} $$
The funcion $\frac{\ln u}{u}$ is not one-to-one: For $u \geq 1$, it starts out at $(1, 0)$, rises to a peak at $(e, 1/e)$, and then falls off toward $0$ as $u \to \infty$. The "fallacy" you identified can be associated with the fact that the function attains identical values at $u = 2$ and $u = 4$.
However, as others have noted, the sequence $x, x^x, x^{x^x}, x^{x^{x^x}}, \ldots$ actually increases without bound (rather than converging) for $x > e^{1/e}$. Thus the infinite tetration, if it is to be allowed, cannot be defined for such values (at least, not in the ordinary way). For $0 < x \leq e^{1/e}$, we might permit the tetration to be defined as the limit of that sequence, and this would be the minimum value of $u$ such that $\ln x = \frac{\ln u}{u}$.