Matrix completion: supplementary questions

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Continuation of the question here, what is going to happen if we change the some of the conditions. I write it as a quote from here and change the appropriate places which are underlined:

I need to construct $\underline{k\leq n^2}$ positive semi-definite matrices, say $\{P_i\}_{i=1}^k$. Entries of these matrices are complex numbers.

1> Each matrices are of dimension $n^2\times n^2$.

2> I only know the $n\times n$ block at top left corner of each matrix.

3> $P_i$ is a projection operator. For time being, let us assume that they are of rank $\underline{r_i\leq n}$ for each $i$. Moreover they are mutually orthonormal.

4> $\underline{\sum_{i=1}^{k}P_i=I_{n^2}}$ is the identity operator.

One possible simpler case is when $r_i=n$ for all $i$. I am having doubt that the answer is not going to extend for the above cases.


There are 1 best solutions below


Take the spectral decomposition of the matrix and use the method stated in the answer of the above question.