1) In the following OEIS Sequence, what is the meaning of One alphabet labeled, the other $3$ unlabeled?
The number of Lyndon words (aperiodic necklaces) with $4n$ beads of $4$ colors, $n$ beads of each color. One color labeled, the other $3$ unlabeled.
$1, 52, 5133, 656880, 97772875, 16032938340, 2812609211657, 518547356184000,\\ 99318297529004400, 19605670296090989500, 3966181169996511862429, 818782296743542722132528, \\171938262068874336023196923,...$
Number of Lyndon words (aperiodic necklaces) with $4n$ beads of 4 colors, $n$ beads of each color.
$1, 6, 312, 30798, 3941280, 586637250, 96197630040, 16875655269942, \\ 3111284137104000, 595909785174026400, 117634021776545937000, 23797087019979071174574,\\ 4912693780461256332795168, 1031629572413246016139181538, 219809927417367517614451764984,...$
2) The first sequence has more conditions, so the first sequence should be smaller than the second one, but the values seems the other way. Where am I making mistake?
Kindly explain me.
Thank you.
Labelled means that the combinatorial objects in question can be distinguished; unlabelled means that they cannot. So $A029809(n) = A074656(n) / 3!$ because A029809 combines Lyndon words of A074656 into equivalence classes under permutations of the three unlabelled colours.
The first sequence is smaller than the second one. Perhaps the only mistake you made was not to look at the OFFSET field: A029809 begins 1, 52, 5133 with offset 1, whereas A074656 begins 1, 6, 312, 30798 with offset 0.