I have an equation I need help solving. This is an mechanical engineering question about calculating leak rate. If possible could you walk me through the process to solve this because I want to learn how to do it and not just get an answer.
Here is the equation:
L = 0.7 x 0.000000134std. cc cm/cm^2 sec bar x 1.256in x 449lb/in^2 x 1.35 x 0.20
(L needs to be in std. cc/sec)
Here is the equation explained if you are interested to see what the equation is solving for: http://www.engineersedge.com/fluid_flow/oring_leak_rate_13605.htm
Any help with this would be appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Firstly the question is especially confusing as you have used a variety of metric and imperial units including non-standard abbreviations of some. All this compounds the difficulty of the dimensional analysis and getting an answer.
Lets look at the underlying formula:
$$L=0.7F\times D\times P\times Q\times(1-S)^2$$
$F$ is listed as measured in "std. cc cm/cm$^2$ sec bar". This is a very ugly way of writing it. Firstly "cc" is short for cubic centimetre, i.e. cm$^3$. Next bar would be better written as 10$^5$ Pascal (Pa). So putting these bits together gives:
$$\frac{cc\cdot cm}{cm^2\cdot sec\cdot bar}\times10^{-8}=\frac{cm^4}{cm^2\cdot s\cdot 10^5Pa}\times10^{-8}=\frac{cm^2}{s\cdot 10^5Pa}\times10^{-8}=\frac{(10^{-2}m)^2}{s\cdot 10^5Pa}\times10^{-8}=\frac{m^2}{s\cdot Pa}\times10^{-17}$$
$D$ needs to be converted to metres. $1.256in=0.0319024m$.
$P$ has its problems too as $lb/in^2$ is a terrible unit for pressure as $lb$ can mean both mass and force which leads to plenty of confusion. Normally in the US measurement system this is written as $lbf/in^2$ where $lbf$ means pound-force to avoid the confusion. $449lb/in^2=3095740Pa$
$Q$ and $S$ are dimensionless coefficients (between 0 and 1) so they don't play any role in performing dimensional analysis. Only in determining the answer.
Dimensional Analysis Ignoring the dimensionless values in the equation gives: $$L=F\times D\times P$$ $$L=\frac{m^2}{s\cdot Pa}\times m \times Pa$$ $$L=\frac{m^3}{s}$$ Dimensionally this is equivalent to $cc/sec$.
$$L=0.7 \times 0.000000134std. cc cm/cm^2 sec bar \times 1.256in \times 449lb/in^2 \times 1.35 \times 0.20$$ becomes: $$L=0.7\times 0.000000134\times \frac{m^2}{s\cdot Pa}\times10^{-17}\times0.0319024m\times3095740Pa\times1.35\times0.20$$ $$L=2.5\times10^{-20}\frac{m^3}{s}$$ Converting this to $\frac{cm^3}{s}$ gives: $2.5\times10^{-14} std. cc/s$
I have no idea about what sort of values are realistic when working with O-rings but this sounds on the small side suggesting that some of the values supplied or the formula is incorrect. Given the horrendous mixture of units there could be many points of error in its derivation or application.