Plot Cayley graphs for generic element groups

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I'm a beginner in Abstract Algebra, currently trying to solve all exercises in "A Book of Abstract Algebra" by Pinter. I was wondering if there is a way to draw Cayley graphs for generic element groups like for example for the group

$G=\{e,a,b,b^2,b^3,ab,ab^2,ab^3\}$ with the generators satisfying $a^2=e,b^4=e,ba=ab^2$. I plotted the diagram myself but I would like to double check with the help of a program, plus further experiment before getting to more advanced topics like symmetries, etc. So far I've seen that GAP and Sage plot Cayley graphs but for predefined groups. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


There are 1 best solutions below


This repository contains some tools I wrote to draw a generalized version of Cayley graphs, which I call "operation digraphs", for arbitrary binary operations.