GAP Editor with Syntax Highlighting for Windows

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Can anybody recommend a code editor for Windows which has GAP Syntax Highlighting? Thank you


There are 3 best solutions below


I made a very simple, bare-bones GAP mode for Notepad++, which I used for a GAP course I taught. The following installation instructions are from the notes I handed to the students. (But I do not normally use Windows myself, so I haven't verified them for some time).

  1. Download
  2. In Notepad++, select “Define your language...” from the “Language” menu.
  3. In the resulting dialog, click the “Import...” button.
  4. This opens a file selector dialog, from which you should select the gap.xml file from step 1.
  5. Now close the “User Defined Language” dialog

There are a couple of packages to add GAP mode/syntax highlighting to emacs.


Thanks for all answers and comments already there. I have updated the question Where is the GAP file editor? How do I save GAP programs? from the GAP F.A.Q to list all available modes in one place. Besides Notepad++ and PSPAd for Windows, it lists some other editors as well. In the future, please check it in the GAP F.A.Q. for any updates.

Posting this is as an answer, to save readers' time from walking through all comments and links.