Let $N$ be a normal extension of $K$, where $N,K\subseteq \mathbb{C}$, and suppose that $[N:K]=n$. Show that every $K$-homomorphism $\sigma:N\to \mathbb{C}$ satisfies $\sigma (N)=N$.
My Proof: Since $N$ is normal, we can assume that it is the splitting field of some irreducible polynomial $P\in K[X]$, and given that $[N:K]=n$, we know that $P$ is of degree $n$. Let $\alpha_1,...,\alpha_n\in \mathbb{C}$ be the roots of $P$. By definition of a splitting field we write $N=K(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n)$.
For any element $b\in N$ we can write $b$ as a linear combination of the generators of $N$, i.e. $b=a_0+a_1\alpha_1+...+a_n\alpha_n$ where $a_i\in K$. We consider the image of $b$ under $\sigma$. By the $K$-linearity of $\sigma$ we obtain:
$\sigma (b)= \sigma (a_0+a_1\alpha_1+...+a_n\alpha_n)=a_0+a_1\sigma (\alpha_1)+...+a_n\sigma (\alpha_n)$
Since $\sigma$ is a $K$-homomorphism, it sends the roots of $P$ to their conjugates i.e. for any $\alpha_i$ for $1\leq i \leq n$, $\sigma (\alpha_i)$ is a conjugate of $\alpha_i$. Since $N$ is normal, we have that for any $1\leq i \leq n$, $\sigma (\alpha_i)\in N$. Therefore $\sigma (N) \subseteq N$. Since $\sigma$ is a ring homomorphism, it is injective, and an injective map $\sigma:N\to N$ must necessarily be a bijection, therefore $\sigma (N)=N$.
I am somewhat unsure of the points I made in the last paragraph as well as the assumption regarding linear combinations. Any corrections or verification of this proof would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I'm afraid there are some weak steps in your argument. Listing those I spotted