I have to find a splitting field of $x^{6}-3$ over $\mathbb{F}_{7}$

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I want to find a splitting field of $x^{6}-3$ over $\mathbb{F}_{7}$. I learned that Finite field containing $\mathbb{F}_{7}$ is the form of $\mathbb{F}_{7^m}$ and it is normal extension. So I've tried to find smallest m containing a single root of $x^{6}-3$. If $x^{6}-3$ is irreducible in $\mathbb{F}_{7}$, then $\mathbb{F}_{7^m}$ is splitting field of $x^{6}-3$. But I don't know where I should start. Even, I cannot prove that $x^{6}-3$ is irreducible. For polynomial of degree less than 3, there is a method to determine whether it is irreducible or not. But this is not the case. And the try using Gauss' Lemma and Eisenstein is failed, because I cannot find ring $R$ of which field fraction is $\mathbb{F}_{7}$. Is it wrong approach for this kind of question?


There are 4 best solutions below


$x^6-3$ has no roots in $\mathbb{F}_7$, since $3$ is not a quadratic residue $\!\!\pmod{7}$. Moreover, in $\mathbb{F}_7[x]$: $$ \gcd\left(x^6-3,x^{49}-x\right) = \gcd\left(x^6-3,x^{48}-1\right) = \gcd\left(x^6-3,3^8-1\right) = 1 $$ hence there is no quadratic irreducible polynomial over $\mathbb{F}_7$ that is a divisor of $x^6-3$.

In a similar way: $$ \gcd\left(x^6-3,x^{343}-x\right) = \gcd\left(x^6-3,x^{342}-1\right) = \gcd\left(x^6-3,-1\right) = 1 $$ hence there is no irreducible polynomial over $\mathbb{F}_7$ that divides $x^6-3$, hence $x^6-3$ is an irreducible polynomial over $\mathbb{F}_7$ and its splitting field is isomorphic to $\mathbb{F}_{7^6}$.


I will answer this with more elementary techniques, because I'm not sure of what facts you are familiar with. If $x^6-3$ factors, then it has a factor of degree $1$, $2$, or $3$ by a degree argument.

We can check that $x^6-3$ does not have factor of degree $1$ because it doesn't have a root in $\mathbb{F}_7$. This can be done by plugging in all $7$ values in $\mathbb{F}_7$ or by Fermat's little theorem because $a^6\equiv 1$ for all $a\not\equiv0\pmod{7}$.

Since finite fields are uniquely determined by their order, we can follow the following idea: If $x^6$ had a factor of degree $2$, then a root of that factor would generate $\mathbb{F}_{7^2}$. Since $-1$ is not a square in $\mathbb{F}_7$, we know that $x^2+1$ is irreducible in $\mathbb{F}_7$. Therefore, let $\alpha$ be a root of $x^2+1$, then $\mathbb{F}_{7^2}=\mathbb{F}[\alpha]$. We can check if there is a root of $x^6-3$ in this field. More precisely, consider $$ a_1\alpha+a_2. $$

It seems natural to substitute $a_1\alpha+a_2$ for $x$ in $x^6-3$ and this would work, but it is easier to multiply the entire expression by $x$ to consider $x^7-3x$. Substituting $a_1\alpha+a_2$ into this expression results in $$ (a_1\alpha+a_2)^7-3(a_1\alpha+a_2)=a_1\alpha^7+a_2-3(a_1\alpha+a_2). $$ This follows from Fermat's little theorem (and observing that most binomial coefficients have a factor of $7$). Moreover, we know that $\alpha^2=-1$, so we can substitute this to get $-4a_1\alpha-2 a_2$ for $a_1\alpha+a_2$ to be a root, it must be that both $-4a_1=0$ and $-2a_2=0$, this only happens when $a_1=a_2=0$, but this doesn't satisfy the original equation.

You can continue with this logic for the cubic case as well.


Yet another approach, which works because of the special nature of your polynomial $X^6-3$. Notice first that $3$ is a primitive element of $\Bbb F_7$, that is, it generates the cyclic group of order six consisting of the nonzero elements of this field. So any $\lambda$ with $\lambda^6=3$ must be a primitive $36$-th root of unity in its field.

Now you want the smallest extension of $\Bbb F_7$ having thirty-sixth roots of unity, in other words, you want the smallest $m$ such that $36|(7^m-1)$, in other words, smallest $m$ with $7^m\equiv1\pmod{36}$, in other words, you want the period of $7$ in the group $(\Bbb Z/36\Bbb Z)^*$. Well, the powers of $7$ in $\Bbb Z/36\Bbb Z$ are $1,7,13,19,25,31,1,\cdots$, so $m=6$ here.


I wanna use an easy tool:

1) it is not neccesary to check $3$ is square of not in $\mathbb F_7$. $x^6-1 \equiv 0 \mod 7$ for all $x \in \mathbb F_7^*$ which is well-known.

2) Use same trick again $3^6 \equiv 1 \mod 7$. That means $x^{36}\equiv 1 \mod 7$. Now $36\mid(7^6-1)$ trivially, it is $(7-1)(7^5+\cdots+1)$. Moreover, $36 \not \mid (7^n-1)$ for $n <6$. This means it is irreducible.