If I have $u:M\rightarrow D\setminus 0$, $M\subseteq (\mathbb C^2,0)$ compact, $\mathbb C^2 = \mathbb C \times \mathbb C$ and $D$ the Poincare disk, $u$ is holomorphic, surjective, proper and every point in $D\setminus 0$ is a regular value. How can i see that it defines a topological bundle?
My idea of demonstration was to use Frobenius theorem, since $M$ is foliated by the integral curves of $V=-u_{w}\frac{\partial}{\partial z}+u_{z}\frac{\partial}{\partial w}$ (we can ''split'' this vector field into two real ones) and the theorem says that for every point $p\in M$ there is a chart $(U,\varphi)$ such that $\varphi (U)$ is a cube and the integral surfaces of $\varphi (U)$ are the slices with the two last coordinates equal to constants. After this i don't know what to do.