Prove that the class of Turing Decidable Languages is strictly larger than class of Context Free Languages

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Prove that the class of Turing decidable languages is strictly larger than the class of context free languages. (Give a language that is Turing decidable, but which violates the pumping lemma for context free languages).

I don't know how to solve this. Please help


There are 1 best solutions below


HINT: Can you think of a set $A$ of finite strings which is

  • Easy to describe (this is informal, but it's better to start informally than to look for something which you know fits the definition of "decidable" - in practice, most things which are "easily describable" will be decidable), but

  • Doesn't satisfy the pumping lemma?

In fact, probably any example you've seen of a set of strings not satisfying the pumping lemma is Turing decidable . . .