I am trying to create a map editor (for GTA SA-MP), and the source game data contains objects with quaternion rotation, whereas I need the editor to output the objects with Euler rotation (XYZ) in degrees, which can be used in SA-MP. I've found this algorithm:
double sqx = X*X;
double sqy = Y*Y;
double sqz = Z*Z;
double sqw = W*W;
double unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw;
double test = X*Y + Z*W;
if(test > 0.499*unit)
E_x = 2 * Math.Atan2(X,W)*180/Math.PI;
E_y = 0;
E_z = 90;
}else if(test < -0.499*unit)
E_x = -2 * Math.Atan2(X,W)*180/Math.PI;
E_y = 0;
E_z = -90;
E_x = Math.Atan2(2 * Y*W - 2 * X*Z, sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw)*180/Math.PI;
E_y = Math.Atan2(2 * X*W - 2 * Y*Z, -sqx + sqy - sqz + sqw)*180/Math.PI;
E_z = -Math.Asin(2 * test/unit)*180/Math.PI;
The problem is that it simply doesn't match either the input quaternion format or the output Euler format, like for (0 0 0.71 0.71) it should return (0 0 -90) and not (0 0 90) as it currently does.
To describe the Euler system in the game, I have placed an arrow in the game world and this table shows which directions it points to and which direction it faces (with its one side):
X Y Z points faces
0 0 0 down east
90 0 0 north east
0 90 0 west down
0 0 90 down north
90 90 0 west north
0 90 90 south down
90 0 90 west north
90 90 90 south west
To test the quaternion angles, I have placed a vehicle in the game world, which I can get the quaternion angles of. The following table shows the quaternion angles and whe direction the car points to and faces with its top:
W X Y Z points faces
1 0 0 0 north up
√½ 0 0 -√½ west up
0 0 0 1 south up
√½ 0 0 √½ east up
0 0 1 0 north down
0 -√½ ½ 0 west down
0 -1 0 0 south down
0 √½ ½ 0 east down
0 0 -√½ -√½ up north
½ -½ ½ ½ up west
√½ -√½ 0 0 up south
½ -½ -½ -½ up east
√½ √½ 0 0 down north
½ ½ ½ -½ down west
0 0 √½ -√½ down south
½ ½ -½ ½ down east
A vehicle Y axis goes from its front to its rear, X axis is between its sides, and Z axis from its top to the bottom.
While not completely lost at maths, this quaternion stuff still puzzles me, so please be easy on me ☺. Thanks for your help!
Here are some measured quaternion angles for a given set of Euler angles, which I can set for an object in the game:
Euler X Y Z
Quaternion W X Y Z
0, 0, 0
1, 0.000122, -0.000122, -0.000742
0, 0, 45
0.923879, 0.000000, 0.000000, -0.382683
0, 45, 0
0.921593, 0.000000, -0.388156, 0.000000
45, 0, 0
0.922824, -0.385187, 0.002027, -0.004683
0, 45, 45
0.852329, 0.147665, -0.356494, -0.353046
45, 0, 45
0.852672, -0.355673, -0.147325, -0.353186
45, 45, 0
0.859898, -0.349869, -0.353665, -0.114391
45, 45, 45
0.741364, -0.203753, -0.454495, -0.449773
0.728665, -0.190846, -0.466389, -0.463794 (another measure)
The measures are probably a bit off, mostly the last ones.
It looks like the rotation order is $y x z$, but angles negated for some reason. In other words, the rotation matrix for Euler angles $(\chi,\gamma,\theta)$ used is most likely $$\mathbf{R}(\chi,\gamma,\theta) = \left[\begin{matrix} \cos \gamma \cos \theta - \sin \chi \sin \gamma \sin \theta & \cos \gamma \sin \theta + \sin \chi \sin \gamma \cos \theta & -\cos \chi \sin \gamma \\ -\cos \chi \sin \theta & \cos \chi \cos \theta & \sin \chi \\ \sin \gamma \cos \theta + \sin \chi \cos \gamma \sin \theta & \sin \gamma \sin \theta - \sin \chi \cos \gamma \cos \theta & \cos \chi \cos \gamma \end{matrix}\right]$$ The rotation matrix corresponding to versor aka unit quaternion $\mathbf{Q} = (w, x, y, z)$ is $$\mathbf{R}(w,x,y,z) = \left[\begin{matrix} 1 - 2 (y^2 + z^2) & 2 (x y - z w) & 2 (x z + y w) \\ 2 (x y + z w) & 1 - 2 (x^2 + z^2) & 2 (y z - x w) \\ 2 (x z - y w) & 2 (y z + x w) & 1 - 2 (x^2 + y^2) \end{matrix}\right]$$ The stated problem is to find the correspondence between the two.
Looking at $\mathbf{R}_{23}$ we can tell that $$\chi = \arcsin(2 y z - 2 x w)$$ Since $\mathbf{R}_{21}/\mathbf{R}_{22} = -\tan\theta$ if $\mathbf{R}_{22} \ne 0$, $$\theta = -\left\lbrace\begin{align} & -\arctan\left(\frac{x y + z w}{1/2 - x^2 - z^2}\right),\; & x^2 + z^2 \ne 1/2 \\ & -\frac{\pi}{2}, \; & x y + z w \ge 0 \\ & \frac{\pi}{2}, \; & x y + z w \lt 0 \end{align}\right.$$ Similarly, $\mathbf{R}_{13}/\mathbf{R}_{33} = -\tan\gamma$ if $\mathbf{R}_{33} \ne 0$, $$\gamma = \left\lbrace\begin{align} & -\arctan\left(\frac{x z + y w}{1/2 - x^2 - y^2}\right),\; & x^2 + y^2 \ne 1/2 \\ & -\frac{\pi}{2}, \; & x z + y w \ge 0 \\ & \frac{\pi}{2}, \; & x z + y w \lt 0 \end{align}\right.$$
As a result, I suggest trying the following pseudocode:
which utilizes the atan2(dy,dx) function available in most programming languages.
(Above pseudocode edited on 2017-09-30, to add the checks for gimbal lock, where
xa = ±0.5 π
. Theepsilon
represents the machine epsilon in this context, and depends on the precision of the variables; typically, it should be a compile-time constant that is easy to modify when porting or running the code on different architectures. The value shown should work well for visualization.)The corresponding conversion from Euler angles to a quaternion is easy to compute, if one realizes that the three rotations as quaternions are easy to express: $$\begin{align} &\mathbf{R}_x(\chi) = \left( \cos\frac{\chi}{2} + \sin\frac{\chi}{2} \mathbf{i} \right )\\ &\mathbf{R}_y(\gamma) = \left( \cos\frac{\gamma}{2} + \sin\frac{\gamma}{2} \mathbf{j} \right )\\ &\mathbf{R}_z(\theta) = \left( \cos\frac{\theta}{2} + \sin\frac{\theta}{2} \mathbf{k} \right )\end{align}$$ Their Hamilton product $\mathbf{Q} = \mathbf{R}_y(\gamma)\mathbf{R}_x(\chi)\mathbf{R}_z(\theta)$ gives the desired quaternion here.
In pseudocode,
Remember that both of these functions depend on the rotation order, and that the order of rotations here is $y x z$ with negated angles.