In Braid Groups of Kassel, Turaev, it mentions that $\mathcal{B}_n$ is a residually finite group. The definition that they give as a residually finite group is a group $G$ such that for each $g\in G-\{e_G\}$ ($e_G$ the identity of $G$), there exists an homomorphism $f$ to a finite group $H$ such that $f(g)\neq e_H$. My question is:
How can I obtain the group $H$ for a given element $g\in \mathcal{B}_n$ and the homomorphism that fulfills this?
I hope you can help me. Nice Holidays.
If the braid is not pure, then you can detect it by a homomrphism to the symmetric group. So this reduces to showing that the pure braid group $P_n$ is residually finite. $P_n$ is an iterated semi-direct product of free groups. (This is called combing the braid.) The result now follows because free groups are residually finite.