I'm going to do a project on braid groups, and I'm looking for recommendations on books about braid groups.

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I asked my advisor (which is not the professor I will be doing the project with) about this project, and he recommended that I read some of Artin's material on braid groups because as my advisor put it: "It seems that many mathematicians later on didn't quite 'get it'". Should I delve into Artin's stuff or should I instead study some other books on this topic?

EDIT: (more info) I don't know much about braid groups besides the very basics, but it seems very interesting and that's why I want to do this project. It doesn't require previous knowledge of braid groups. We are going to study the braid groups of affine type (whatever that means) so maybe a book which covers that eventually will be good. My background is in algebra, I have taken courses in rings and modules, now I'm taking galois theory.


There are 1 best solutions below


you can see for example: 1-Braids, links and mapping class groups of J.Birman 2-A Study of braids by B kurbita and K Murasugi Two good books in the the field of Braids.