Standard metric on the round Riemann sphere is $ds^2=\frac{dzd\bar{z}}{(1+|z|^2)^2}$. It has constant scalar curvature. If the sphere is not round one gets another metric. A somewhat degenerate case that I have encountered in the literature is when the metric is everywhere flat $ds^2=dzd\bar{z}$ except singularity at infinity. Near infinity $dzd\bar{z}\to\frac{dzd\bar{z}}{|z|^4}$ and the Riemann curvature is proportional to delta-function $\sqrt{g}R=8\pi \delta^2(z)$. This agrees with the fact that integral of the curvature gives the Euler characteristic.
I would like to understand this construction better.
- Is it true that this sphere is necessarily of infinite area? Integral $\int \sqrt{g}d^2z$ does not seem bounded.
- Can one visualize this sphere as embedded into $\mathbb{R}^3$? I fail to see how can one bend a disc so that it becomes $S^2$ without curving it (except at one point, or a small neighborhood).
- Is this metric singularity called conic? If so, what is a good quick introduction/reference on these?
I have to say, I still find the question unclear. However:
The metric that you are working with is the standard Euclidean metric on ${\mathbb C}$, hence, it clearly has infinite area. This provides a trivial answer to 1.
Regarding 2, I think the answer depends on the degree of smoothness. To the extent I understand the question, you are looking for a topological embedding $$ f: S^2= {\mathbb C}\cup \{\infty\}\to E^3 $$ which is a $C^k$-smooth isometric embedding when restricted to ${\mathbb C}$ (where ${\mathbb C}$ is equipped with the standard flat metric). The answer probably depends on $k$.
a. Assuming that $k=2$, the answer is negative. The reason is that ${\mathbb C}$ with its standard metric is complete, but every complete $C^2$-smooth Riemannian surface of zero curvature embedded in $E^3$ has to be a (not necessarily round) cylinder. See
W.Massey, Surfaces of Gaussian curvature zero in Euclidean 3-space. Tohoku Math. J. (2) 14 (1962), no. 1, 73--79.
for a simple proof in the case of $k=4$ and a reference to Hartman and Nirenberg for the case $k=2$.
b. I am not sure what happens when $k=1$. I suspect that one can use the technique of the Nash-Kuiper isometric embedding theorem in order to prove the existence of $f$ as above. But that would be a serious research paper.