Several doubts and questions related with definitions on Leibniz algebras

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Here are my questions for a (left) Leibniz ${\mathbb{F}}$-algebra $L$ and $M$ a Leibniz module:

  1. In $L$ when you define the Leibniz Kernel as $\mathfrak{I}≔_{\mathbb{F}}\{[,] :∈L\}$, can you also write $\mathfrak{I}≔\bigoplus_{∈L} \mathbb{F}[,]$ or $\mathfrak{I}≔\sum_{∈L} \mathbb{F}[,]$?

  2. $()$ the associative (unital) $\mathbb{F}$-algebra of all endomorphisms of the $\mathbb{F}$-vector space $M$ is the same that general linear algebra $()$?

  3. What is the usual definition of extension for $L$ a Leibniz algebra? And for central extension? (is it something related with a exact sequence?)

  4. In the property "$I⊂L$ a minimal ideal then $I$ is an irreducible Leibniz module", what "minimal" means here?

  5. When you say "the nilradical $N$ of $L$ remains invariant under all automorphism of the Leibniz algebra" it means that is equivalent to say "for $\phi : L \to L$ any Leibniz morphism we get $\phi(N)=N$

  6. What is the standard Lie algebra of a Leibniz algebra?

  7. What means "a Leibniz algebra $L$ acts nilpotently on a module $M$"?

  8. My definitions are: $L$ simple if $[L,L]\neq \mathfrak{I}$ and its unique ideals are $\{0\},\mathfrak{I},L$, and $L$ is semisimple if $(L)=\mathfrak{I}$. In the literature there are different definitions for simple and semisimple Leibniz algebras. Examples of this different definitions (and references)?

Sorry for post all the questions at same time, but I think they're short for dedicate one message to each one!

Thanks and regards!