Triangulation for a 1-manifold

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I'm taking a course on Algebraic Topology and I had a question while studying. I know the answer is affirmative but I don't know why. What I want to prove is

There exist a triangulation for every 1-manifold

I tried to use that the manifold is II Axiom of countability, so there exist a countable base for the manifold. Now I would like to prove that I can take intervals to go into these open sets of the manifold in such a way that the triangulation consist on these intervals. And also I have to prove that the triangulation is locally finite, which I don't know how should I try to prove.

Am I on the right track? How can I continue? Any help is welcome.


There are 1 best solutions below


Do you know the classification of 1-manifolds? Every compact one-manifold is a finite union of circles. Now you should be able to explicitly construct triangulations.