This is probably a stupid question, but I have to ask anyway since it's been bothering me since my lecturer said it. He said that $20\leq x \leq 35$ cannot be written as $35\geq x\geq 20$ since "$35$ can't be larger than $20$". I have been taught that those two are the same and I find his argumentation strange.
Can $20\leq x \leq 35$ be written as $35\geq x\geq 20$?
2025-01-12 19:22:40.1736709760
Usage of symbols, less than and larger than
104 Views Asked by efk At
There are 3 best solutions below
20≤x≤35 ___|_______________|______|________|________________|________
-35 -20 0 20 35
-35 is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to -20. -20 is greater than or equal to x is greater than or equal to -35
20 is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 35. 35 is greater than or equal to x is greater than or equal to 20
Your lecturer is wrong (assuming you have understood and reported his claim correctly). $a \le b$ is exactly equivalent to $b \ge a$, usually by definition. So "$20 \le x \le 35$" and "$35 \ge x \ge 20$" are equivalent.
Also, 35 is larger than 20, so I have no idea what that explanation is about.