I am looking for excellent VIDEO lectures on functional analysis. They should be
(1) in English (2) the video quality and voice is good (3) the lecture should not be presented in boring style
I am very thankful for your suggestions
I am looking for excellent VIDEO lectures on functional analysis. They should be
(1) in English (2) the video quality and voice is good (3) the lecture should not be presented in boring style
I am very thankful for your suggestions
I am also quite in search for good video lectures. The Nottingham ones posted by SamM are quite good but the problem, in my opinion, is that the course stays away from measure theory and so there is almost no discussion about $L^p$ spaces. The DTU ones posted by Giovanni are also very good, I think, but they don't do Weak$^*$ topology if I am right.
It is very hard to find a graduate level functional analysis class with video lectures I think.
May I suggest another excellent online course ? I´ve watched most of the videos, and the teacher is very good, building proofs of many theorems.
01325 Mathematics 4 Real Analysis - dtu.dk
Normed vector spaces, Hilbert spaces, bases in Hilbert spaces, basic operator theory, the spaces L^p and l^p, approximation, the Fourier transform, convolution, the sampling theorem, B-splines, special basis functions (e.g, Legendre and Hermite polynomials), an introduction to wavelet theory.
http://www2.mat.dtu.dk/education/01325/ - course website
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjRVZMfYBFMNp7IrHIMft5U_HIikp0T56 - YT
There are two courses on Functional Analysis by a retired professor, S. Kesavan of The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India.
The first course is titled "Functional Analysis" and covers the following topics (in case the link gets deleted):
The second course is titled "Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations" and is yet to begin (at the time of writing this answer). The topics include:
A very engaging course taken by Prof.VittalRao(IISC)
The course given by Claudio Landim who is full professer of IMPA.
Check this one out: http://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105037/
It may be a bit slow but is extensive in content.