Visualizing the Poincare homology sphere

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I know that past a certain point, one should graduate from the view that homology/homotopy groups "count holes" in any realistic, grounded, real-life meaning of the word "hole". However, I still want to see if there is any visual intuition to be had regarding the Poincare homology sphere, which is sort of the first example of Is there a non-simply-connected space with trivial first homology group? (also the first example in this MO thread).

I did come across,_IMPRS_Seminar).pdf, which presents some nice but difficult (for me) to make-sense-of pictures enter image description here or another picture here

I searched up "visualization of poincare homology sphere", and there was only one Youtube video

I'm wondering if there's any way of using this 3D animated visualization, or even a sequence of 2D pictures like above, to get an intuition for why the Poincare homology sphere has "no holes" according to homology, but "holes" according to homotopy; in other words I'm wondering if I can see, somehow with my own eyes, some "non-contractible path/cycle that is also the boundary of some submanifold" (which I think is the intuitive picture of what trivial homology but non-trivial homotopy means?)

P.S. compare also the state of affairs to that of the Hopf fibration; both involve counterintuitive phenomenon happening in dimensions at the very edge of what we can visualize, but there have been many visualizations/expositions of the Hopf fibration over the years, such as this video of Niles Johnson 11 years ago (, this paper of David Lyons linked on Niles's website (also on Arxiv), this more recent "mainstream" video, and also this absolutely wonderful interactive version by Samuel Li

See also these valiant attempts at visualization the Milnor exotic $7$-sphere by Niles Johnson: