What is a sympelctic bundle

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What is a symplectic bundle? Is it a fibre bundle or a vector bundle? I am hoping for a not-very-technical answer because I'm not familiar with bundles in general. Sorry for that.

PS: This symplectic bundle enters in the definition of a special Kahler manifold (or in maths what they call projective Kahler manifold I suppose).

Any answer is very welcomed.


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This is not terminology I've heard before, but one might predict (and it turns out to be true) that the authors here mean "symplectic vector bundle". This is a smooth vector bundle $E \to M$ such that each fiber has the (smoothly varying) structure of a symplectic vector space.

One could certainly make a notion of a fiber bundle whose fibers were symplectic manifolds but I claim this would probably not be that interesting a notion unless the base or total space had further structure (eg, Langrangian fibrations are interesting).