I am wondering what Stochastic Process is exactly meaning.
Let me talk about what I understood.
I will give an example.
$\Omega_i$ is noise of my robot's circuit on July the $i$-th day.
The first graph is noise of my robot's circuit up to time t on July the $1$st day.
The second graph is noise of my robot's circuit up to time t on July the $2$st day.
The third graph is noise of my robot's circuit up to time t on July the $3$st day.
The fourth graph is noise of my robot's circuit up to time t on July the $4$st day.
The fifth graph is noise of my robot's circuit up to time t on July the $5$st day.
Each graphs are called Sample Function, Realization or Sample path.
Stochastic Process is first graph + $\cdots$ + fifth graph.
Is it right?