What is the link between homomorphisms and mutual information?

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Intuitively, there seems to be a link between the (kind of) homomorphism between two algebraic structures and the mutual information between two variables. However, since I'm not a mathematician, it's hard to see or formalize the exact connection. Anyone who can help me with this?

For example, if we'd take each variable to represent a set and its order relation, could we say that the very existence of a homomorphic map between the two would make their $ MI \gt 0 $ ?

And the other way around: would an $ MI = 0 $ between those variables make the map between them a random one?


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Let's look at two examples.

In the case of vector spaces we have linear maps, or vector space homomorphisms. These preserve scalar products (1) and are linear(2).

Let $f: V \to W$ be a linear map.

$$f\big(\lambda x \in V \big) = \lambda f(x) \in W\quad (1)$$ $$f\big(x+y \in V\big) = f(x) + f(y) \in W \quad (2)$$

So we see that the operation of addition and scalar multiplication is preserved between $V$ and $W$.

In the case of groups, we have group homomorphisms. Similarly these preserve group operations.

Let $g: A \to B$ be a group homomorphism and $*$ the group operation.

$$g\big(a_1 * a_2 \in A\big) = g(a_1) * g(a_2) \in B.$$

So, in a sense, we can say the "mutual information" of the operations is preserved when a homomorphism maps an element from one object to another.