So, similarly to how a $2$-sphere has the metric, and if I understand this correctly: $$ g_{ij} = \begin{bmatrix} R^2 & 0 \\ 0 & R^2\sin^2\theta \end{bmatrix} $$
I was wondering, in geodesy, what is the metric for the GRS 80 ellipsoid currently in use with most datums? I've been googling but can't really find this. The Wikipedia page ( describes a bunch of its properties like eccentricity, etc. but I can't really figure out how I would get the metric. In theory, I should be able to use such a thing to calculate the distance between two points given by latitude and longitude, correct?
It should be easy enough to derive it: we're dealing with an oblate spheroid. The difficulty comes in the choice of coordinates: this page notes the difference between the geocentric and geodetic coordinates (but for some reason the diagram showing the difference is on this page): essentially we have an ellipsoid parametrised as $$ N(\phi) (\cos{\phi}\cos{\lambda},\cos{\phi}\sin{\lambda},b^2/a^2 \sin{\lambda}), $$ where $$ N(\phi) = \frac{a^2}{\sqrt{a^2\cos^2{\phi}+b^2\sin^2{\phi}}} $$ is related the radius at angle $\phi$: we see that it varies from $a$ at the equator to $a^2/b$ at the poles. Now one can compute the metric in the usual way using inner products of tangent vectors: one tedious calculation later, we find $$ ds^2 = \frac{a^4b^4}{(a^2\cos^2{\phi}+b^2\sin^2{\phi})^3} \, d\phi^2 + \frac{a^4\cos^2{\phi}}{a^2\cos^2{\phi}+b^2\sin^2{\phi}} \, d\lambda^2. $$ As a check, if we put $b=a$, we find this reduces to $a^2 \, d\phi^2 + a^2\cos^2{\phi} \, d\lambda^2$, which also serves as a valuable reminder that $\phi$ is latitude and $\lambda$ is longitude, not the usual coordinates we use in mathematics.
Since geodesics on an ellipsoid are horrible, you're probably better off looking up standard techniques of approximation: that flattening of 1/300 makes things surprisingly messy!