In model theory, I haven't actually seen the word "model" defined. The only thing I've seen defined is a $\sigma$ structure for some signature $\sigma$.
I read phrases like $A$ is a model of some theory, where $A$ is a $\sigma$ structure. What is the difference? Is a model just a $\sigma$ structure?
The first time I see model defined is in "canonical model", which just gives a specific $\sigma$ structure.
I am reading Hodge's A Shorter Model Theory.
I think a model is just a $\sigma$ structure that satisfies a certain set of formulae (a theory).
Maybe this will help:
A model of a theory $\mathcal{T}$ over a signature $\sigma$ is a $\sigma$-structure $A$ such that $A \vDash \mathcal{T}$, i.e. every statement in $\mathcal{T}$ is true in $A$.
Therefore, the following are equivalent statements: "$A$ is a $\sigma$-structure", and "$A$ is a model of $\varnothing$".
See also this related post.