In order to find the nth roots of a complex number you need to use this formula.
For me I'm trying to understand where this formula comes from. I get that they try to write the complex number in polar form so that it makes it easy to take the power, but I'm not sure where the $2\pi k$ where $k = 0,...,n-1$ part comes from.
I was wondering if someone could intuitively explain what the $2\pi k$ part does and why we need it.
$2\pi$ is a complete circle.
Dividing it into $n$ parts gives $\dfrac {2\pi}n$.
$\dfrac{2\pi k}n$, where $k=0,1,2,\cdots, n-1$, gives the positions of the $1$st, $2$nd, .., $n$th parts respectively.