I need to count the possible words of length $n$ out of an alphabet of $n$ symbols such that no symbol appears exactly $k$ times, with $k > 0$.
I already tried considering the weak compositions of $n$ in $n$ parts with the restriction of having no parts being exactly $k$, but the problem is that then I would need to find a way of counting how many ways of ordering I have for each of the compositions.
I would need the exact amount or asymptotics or at least any bounds that are tighter than $$C^w_{n}(n,\check{k})n!$$
where $C^w_{n}(n,\check{k})$ is the amount of weak compositions of $n$ in $n$ parts with no parts being equal to $k$.
As suggested in a comment, this can be solved using inclusion-exclusion.
There are
$$ \frac{n!}{(k!)^j(n-jk)!}(n-j)^{n-jk} $$
words in which $j$ particular symbols appear exactly $k$ times. Thus by inclusion–exclusion there are
$$ \sum_{j=0}^{\left\lfloor\frac nk\right\rfloor}(-1)^j\binom nj\frac{n!}{(k!)^j(n-jk)!}(n-j)^{n-jk} $$
words in which no symbol appears exactly $k$ times.