Algebraic expression of random sampling without replacement

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I am new to algeba and I cannot manage to find how to write the algebraic equation to explain that I randomly sample data contained in vectors without replacement.

I have e.g. vectors and :

Both of length, say >1000.

How to write in an algebraic form that I randomly sample n (say n = 20 ; with n < length( and ) observations without replacement in these vectors (or just in one of them)?

Thanks for your help !


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After gathering more information, I am afraid that there is in fact no algebraic expression to formulate random sampling in a population without replacement.

If I make no mistakes, the only way to express it is from the probability of an element to be selected.

So, given N the population size (e.g. of ) and n the sample size (with n < N), we can express:

with the probability that element e is selected.

And we can add that the probability of vector S of size n is:

Am I right ?