Are the cube roots of two integers chosen from a uniform distribution between $1$ and $p-1$ inclusive, $p$ prime, essentially evenly distributed? Note that I will use a $p$ such that $p$ is not equivalent to $2$ modulo $3$.
In other words, I'm trying to ensure that if I pick a random number between $1$ and $p-1$ I will have an equal chance of that number being the cube of some integer.
I've searched the site for answers, but my search did not come up with anything, and I don't know enough theory, except for maybe trying to read more on cubic reciprocity.
I've found a similar result for square roots here.
The answer is yes, because Chebotarev theorem tells us the asymptotic $$\#\{ p \le N, x^3-a\bmod p \text{ has a root }\}\sim \frac{|H|}{|G|} \frac{N}{\log N}$$ where $G=Gal(\Bbb{Q}(a^{1/3},\zeta_3)/\Bbb{Q}), |G|=6$ and $H$ is the set of $\sigma \in G$ such that $\sigma(a^{1/3})=a^{1/3}$, ie. $|H| = 2$ independently of $a$.