I want to construct a field with $8$ elements and a field with $27$ elements for an ungraded exercise.
For $\bf 8$ elements: So we can't just have $\Bbb Z/8\Bbb Z$ since this is not even an integral domain. But rather we can construct $\Bbb F_2 \oplus \Bbb F_2 \oplus\Bbb F_2 \oplus \Bbb F_2 = \{0,1,\alpha,\alpha+1,\beta,\beta+1,\gamma,\gamma+1\}$.
This line of thinking seems to break from what I tried. Is there a better way to construct these things?
I saw this answer: Construct a finite field of order 27
We pick a polynomial irreducible polynomial and take the quotient of $\Bbb Z_3[x]$ but this wasn't helpful in me understanding the general ideal/method.
Let $p$ be some prime and $k$ some natural exponent.
The field $\mathbb F_{p^k}$ can be thought of as a splitting field of $χ = X^{p^k} - X$ over $\mathbb F_p$.
There is a general way to construct splitting fields for any set of polynomials, in your case you just repeatedly construct $F[X]/(f)$ for some irreducible non-linear factor $f$ of $χ$ and some field $F$ you wish to extend. You start with $F = \mathbb F_p$, see here.