Let $A=\Bbb C[x,y]$. For an automorphism $\sigma$ of order $2$ of the algebra $A$, let $B=\{ f \in A \mid \sigma f = f \}$ be the subalgebra of $A$ consisting of all fixed points of $\sigma$, and denote $C=\{ f \in A \mid \sigma f = -f \}$.
For the opening stage I can prove that $C$ is a $B$-module. Here, the action of $B$ on $C$ is given by the multiplication in $A$. Then I came up with two questions:
(1) If $\sigma$ is defined by $(\sigma f)(x,y)=f(y,x) (f \in A)$, then prove that $A$ is a free $B$-module. (Here, the action of $B$ on $A$ is given by the multiplication in $A$.)
My attempt: To prove that $A$ is a free $B$-module we need to show that $A \cong B^k$ for some $k \in \Bbb Z_{>0}$. So for any $f \in A$ I try to express $f$ as $f=f_1+f-f_1$, where $f_1 \in B$... It seems that it couldn't work with this approach.
(2) If $\sigma$ is defined by $(\sigma f)(x,y)=f(-x,-y) (f \in A)$, determine whether $C$ is a free $B$-module or not.
As before I couldn't figure out how to use the new defining operations of $\sigma$. Moreover I'm lack of knowledge on how to prove a module that is free. Any help would be much appreciated.
(1) $B$ is the subring of symmetric polynomials, that is, $B=\mathbb C[x+y,xy]$. Then $A$ is a free $B$-module, a basis being e.g. $\{1,x\}$.
(2) In this case $B=\mathbb C[x^2,xy,y^2]$. (As a side note, $A$ is not free over $B$.) Moreover, $C=Bx+By$. Suppose $C$ is a free $B$-module and let $(e_i)$ be a basis. Then $x=\sum f_ie_i$ and $y=\sum g_ie_i$ with $f_i,g_i\in B$. Since $(xy)x=(x^2)y$ we get $xyf_i=x^2g_i$, that is, $yf_i=xg_i$. It follows that $f_i=xh_i$ and $g_i=yh_i$. From $x=\sum f_ie_i$ we get $1=\sum h_ie_i$ and sending $(x,y)$ to $(0,0)$ we reach a contradiction.