On a circle of length $6n$, we choose $3n$ points such that they split the circle into $n$ arcs of length $1$, $n$ arcs of length $2$, $n$ arcs of length $3$. Show that there exists two chosen points which are diametrically opposite.
- Russian MO $1982$
- Swiss MO $2006$ - Final round
- IMAC $2012$
- Romania MO $2018$ - $9$. grade
Well, that's simple. If we want to avoid having opposite points, then obviously every 1-arc must be positioned diametrically opposite to the middle of some 3-arc. Consider one such pair. What is the length of the great arc connecting their edges? Apparently, $3n-2$, which means it has the same parity as $n$. But it is composed of $n-1$ odd arcs (1s or 3s) and some unknown number of 2-arcs which do not matter, so it must have the opposite parity.
That's it.