Describe the left cosets of $SL(2, 3)$ in $GL(2, 3)$.
Describe the left cosets of $SL(2, R)$ in $GL(2, R)$.
I think I have an idea of how to do the second part but I don't know how to describe the first.
Let $G = GL(2, R)$ and $S = SL(2, R)$. Let $g \in GL(2, R)$.
The left coset of $SL(2, R)$ in $GL(2, R)$ can be represented $gSL(2, R) = [gs: s \in SL(2, R), \det(s) = 1]$. I know that $\det(g) \neq 0$ because it is invertible.
I don't know how to proceed further for either part.
My guess is that they're expecting an answer along the lines of $$ g\,S = \{h \in G: \det(h) = \det(g)\} $$ I think it is worth trying to convince yourself that this is the case. It turns out that the same is true for matrices over $\Bbb F_3$. Note that this means that $SL(2,3)$ has exactly two cosets.