I'm trying to find the irreducible components of the algebraic set $X=V(I)$, where $I=(x^2-x-yz, y^2-y-xz, z^2-z-xy)$. My idea is to write the ideal $I$ as an intersection of prime ideals, although I don't really know where to start.
Could anyone offer a hint on how to do this? Or is there a better way to solve the exercise?
To see if the situation is simple or complicated, let us ask sage about the decomposition in primary ideals, where - citing sage...
An ideal $Q$ is called primary if it is a proper ideal of the ring $R$, and if whenever $ab \in Q$ and $a \not\in Q$, then $b^n \in Q$ for some $n \in \Bbb Z$.
In our case i will exchange the variables $y,z$ in the definition of the ideal from the OP, use the name $J$ for the new ideal in the polynomial ring $R$ in $x,y,z$ over the rationals:
$$ R = \Bbb Q[x,y,z]\ ,\qquad J=(\ x^2-x-yz\ ,\ y^2-y-xz\ ,\ z^2-z+xy\ ) \ . $$
We get in some quick lines:
(Lines were slightly rearranged to fit in the web page.) The first three components correspond to the points $(0,1,0)$, $(1,0,0)$, and $(0,0,0)$. The next ideal leads to the points satisfying $(z-1)^2=0$, and $y(z-1)=0$, and $y^2=z-1=x+y$. The (set of) $\Bbb C$-rational points for the above equations reduce to (the set containing) one point, $(0,0,0)$. The last ideal leads to two points.
Let us now try to solve the given system of equations over a field of characteristic zero: $$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} 0 &= x^2 -x-yz\ ,\\ 0 &= y^2 -y-xz\ ,\\ 0 &= z^2 -z+xy\ . \end{aligned} \right. $$ Usually we want to eliminate $x,y$ from the above equations, obtain equations only in $z$, these equations in $z$ define an ideal in $\Bbb Q[z]$, which is principal, we only need its generator. Here it is:
We would of course want to know how to generate the above equation only in $z$ from the initial equations. No problem, we multiply the three generators of $J$ respectively with
and the three polynomials are, after slight rearranging in this page: $$ \begin{aligned} &2 y^{2} z - y z + z^{2} - y - z \\ &2 y z^{2} + x z + z^{2} - x - z \\ &-2 x y z + 4 z^{3} + x z + y z - 2 z^{2} + x + y - 2 \ . \end{aligned} $$ (I inserted a factor two in
to get rid of denominators.)With bare hands we can solve the system over a field as follows. From the first two equations, we get after subtracting them: $(x-y)(x+y+z-1)=0$. So either $x=y$, or $x+y+z=1$.
In the first case, $x=y$, we have the equations $xz=x^2+x$ and $x^2=-z^2+z$ . From the first one we have either $x=0$, leading to $x=y=z=0$, or $z=x+1$, and so on.
In the second case, we eliminate first $x$, then $y$... But for this i need pen and paper to get
LATER EDIT: As the OP changed one sign, and thus the whole computations.
The good message is that same lines of code with a new ideal works as the above frugal comments. This time:
The first ideal, $(x,y,z)$, corresponds to the point $(0,0,0)$, thus to a variety of dimension zero.
The second ideal is slightly more complicated. It has only two generators, so its dimension is one. Both ideals are prime.
Let us compute humanly. We preserve the notations, $J$ is the given ideal, and $$ \begin{aligned} J_0 &=(x,y,z)\ ,\\ J_1 &=(x+y+z-1,\ y^2+yz+z^2-y-z)\ . \end{aligned} $$ Let us show $J_0J_1\subseteq J$.
Note first that $y^2+yz+z^2-y-z\in J$ because of $$ y^2+yz+z^2-y-z = -z(x^2 - yz - x) - (x-1)(y^2 - xz - y) - (y-1)( -xy + z^2 - z) \ . $$ By symmetry, it remains to show $x(x+y+z-1)\in J$. Indeed: $$ x(x+y+z-1) = -(z-1)(x^2 - yz - x) - x(y^2 - xz - y) - y( -xy + z^2 - z) \ . $$
For the reverse inclusion, it is enough to show $x^2-x-yz\in J_0J_1$. The corresponding representation can be extracted from: