This seems like a very basic question but got me confused. When defining a group we introduce the unit element $e$ which has the following property $$ge = eg = g \quad \forall g\in G$$
and then the inverse for which we need the unit:
$$gg^{-1} =g^{-1}g = e$$
Is it possible to do it the other way around? Can we construct the unit element from the inverse? I think not but haven't found a convincing argument except that we use the unit in the definition of the inverse. But perhaps it is thinkable to conceive a completely different way.
I suppose you could do it.
A common similar reduction is to note that you only need one operator, $g\star h = g\cdot h^{-1}$. Then you can state your axioms in terms of $e=h\star h$, $h^{-1}=e\star h$ and $gh=g\star h^{-1}$. But the axioms become quite noisy, and there are deep reasons we like to talk about associative operations.
So if you have a set $G$ with a binary operation $\star$ with the following properties:
Once you have such an operation, you can define d $g^{-1}=(g\star g)\star g$ and $g\cdot h=g\star h^{-1}=g\star((h\star h)\star h)$.
One tricky thing is that, without the requirement for an identity, you are going to need to assert that $G$ is non-empty.
There is a deep theoretical reason that we prefer to talk about associative operations first, however. The most fundamental associative operation is function composition. Let $X$ be a set, and let $([X\to X],\circ)$ be the set of all functions from $X$ to itself, with the operation $\circ$ being function composition. $\circ$ is an associative operation.
Turns out, if $(S,\times)$ is any set with an associative operation, then it is equivalent (isomorphic) to some sub-algebra of an $([X\to X],\circ)$ for some set $X$. (You can always use $X=S\sqcup\{I\}$, in fact.) Such "representations" of $(S,\times)$ are a deep common fact in a lot of mathematics, which is related to something called "category theory."
This also indicates why the identity is more primal than inverses.
$([X,X],\circ)$ always has an identity (though $(S,\times)$ might not). So it is easy to "add" an identity to $S$.
However, if $|X|>1$, some elements of $[X,X]$ have no inverses, and if you try to add inverses and keep the associative rule, you end up doing something way more complicated than merely "adding" elements to $S$.