Show that a power series $\sum _{n\ge 0} a_n z^n$ where $a_n \to 0 $ as $n \to \infty $ cannot have a pole on the unit circle.
Is the statement true with the hypothesis that $(a_n )$ is a bounded sequence?
As $a_n\to 0$ so the radius of convergence of the power series is greater than or equal to $1$. So the power series converges on the unit disc and hence defines an analytic function say $f$ therein.
Hence the power series can't have any isolated singularity on the unit disc and hence neither can have a pole.
Though I feel the second answer is NO ,I am unable to find a counter-example
I would have been happy to find some help from someone.
Consider the constant sequence $a_n=1$.
(I assume the question means assume $a_n$ bounded instead of the assumption $a_n\to0$.)